In the past, I have been guilty of worshiping worship. I have led churches where "worship" is the be all and end all--and at times, I realized that we were all worshiping "worship." I have prided myself on having the best worship band, best worship leader, and devoting 30-min or more to awesome, dynamic worship. So, what is the problem? What's wrong with all this?
The problem is simply that I and many others have fallen prey to worshiping worship, to getting into the zone and feeling good, but failing miserably at worshiping the Almighty God. Worship became an idol because I found that I could "worship" God and still remain on the throne of my life. That's the problem: I was still in control of my life.
Who is on the throne of your life?
Romans 12:1 (ESV)
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

If we are going to offer true worship & praise to El Shaddai (Almighty God), we must begin by presenting ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.
My eyes were opened to the fact that I was on the throne of my life and that was keeping me from entering into real worship. The starting point for worshiping God is to humbly come before Him with a heart attitude that says "Here I am Lord. Whatever you want me to do, wherever you want me to go, whatever you want to do in my life, Lord, have you way." That's the starting point to worshiping God. A "living sacrifice" has NO will of his own.
I'll continue these thoughts in my next post. But before you leave, check out this humorous but powerful video, "Sunday's Coming"--a spoof on how we approach worship in many of our "contemporary" churches today. (if you're reading this as an email, for some reason the video doesn't work. Go to my blog site to watch this video. This video is a must see! )