typical zombie is a dead person who has come back to life. They are also known
to feed on human flesh to sustain their life, which is part of their
"creepiness". You don't want to get too close to a zombie.
may be surprised to learn that long before any books or movies on
"zombies", the Bible referenced zombies. Paul writes in Ephesians 2 that all of us are dead men because of our disobedience
to God and our many sins. He goes on to say that you and I like everyone
else, and they are enslaved to our master, the Devil. We are subject to
following our passionate desires and doing whatever our sinful nature wants.
While we are in this state, we are "walking dead men (and women)".
Romans 1:21-32, Paul describes the lifestyle and behavior of the "walking
dead" (all of mankind). He writes that those who are dead have no desire
to worship God or give him thanks. Their minds are dark and confused. They
claim to be wise but in reality, they are utter fools. They have abandoned God
to do whatever shameful things their hearts desire. They have traded the truth
for a lie, and instead of worshiping their Creator, they worship and serve
created things including each other's bodies, men with men and women with
goes on to describe these "zombies" as full of every kind of
wickedness, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious
behavior, gossip, etc. They will stab you in the back when you're not around,
they HATE God. They are proud, boastful and totally disobedient to their
parents. They think nothing of breaking their promises. Their word means
nothing. These "walking dead" are heartless and show no mercy, and
they are always on the lookout to convert others to their way of thinking and
Paul informs us in Ephesians 2 that because of our being
dead in our sins (Walking Dead), we were subject to God's wrath (his righteous
anger). Roman 1 says that because of our behavior and hard hearts, we are daily
storing up God's wrath (against each one of us) which will be unleashed on the
day of judgment (Revelation 20:11-12).
But here's the Good News. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:4-7 that because God is rich in mercy and because of his love for us, that even though we were zombies, walking dead men--he gave us new life when he raised the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) from the dead. He raised us from the dead along with Yeshua (Jesus), and it is because of God's grace (His un-merited favor) that we have been saved (from being "walking dead men and women." By God's grace, we have been rescued from the domain of darkness where we were held captive, under the spell of Satan. Yeshua (Jesus) is our Deliverer! He has given us new life and adopted us into his family so that we could have a relationship with God, our Heavenly Father.
I am thankful that I no longer live as a Zombie, seeking to please my own flesh
as well as consuming the flesh of others. I am also thankful that I no longer
living as a "walking dead man" with an appetite for wickedness, and a
hatred toward God (maybe I never said I hated God, but my actions spoke louder
than words). With the life of God flowing through me, I now want to worship God
and give Him the glory and honor he so rightly deserves. My mind has been
renewed and is no longer consumed with twisted thinking, deception, lies and
too can be set free from the world of the "walking dead." Start
reading the Bible (begin with the Gospel of John, and ask God to reveal himself
to you (He will), and then begin to talk to God and ask Him to change you and
give you a new life (that He would begin to live in and through you) and
deliver you from being a "zombie" and the "walking dead."
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